
Saturday, 26 September 2009

Etsy Weekend Deals Sale and Treasury!

There's a lot of dust blowing around this country at the moment so it is quite fitting that the Etsy Street team I belong to is called DUST or Down Under Street Team.
This weekend a bunch of DUSTers have got together for a weekend sale including discounts across stores of up to 50% off. Checkout this blog for participants.
People who purchase from my store this weekend (25th-27th) will get 10% off their combined purchase (excluding shipping) if they mention Weekend Deals at checkout. The discount will be refunded via paypal after the purchase is complete.

I am working at listing more in my shop this weekend so keep checking back for new items.

Plus (ok tooting my own horn here) I made it into an Etsy Treasury! I was pretty excited to be selected!


  1. You have some great creations there Helen - love it and best of luck stocking up (and clearing out) your store!

  2. Yay, it's filling up!
    Good luck Helen.
    (Could have used a toothy last week, Alex lost number 4 :))
