Ok, yet another post on my Op shop finds. I keep wanting to
gloat share what I find but then I think you must get sick of seeing it all. But anyway it's been a while and I have promised to blog regularly. This is an easy way to pop up some content.
Personally I like to see what other people treasure and although I often like the same things, sometimes I'm just thinking "Really!?"
Minimal blurb and lots of pics sounds good this time night.
Tea towels. Can you have too many? Both practical AND a crafty resource. Check out my
vintage linen pinterest if you are wondering how.
Hankies. Again, can you have too many? In a once tissue-less world at least one on your person at all times was a necessity! And again, I'm not planning on wiping my nose with these, but checkout my link above for pretty ways to use these. Funny how I never really saw these and suddenly I am finding them in handfuls! a very special lace hanky in the middle and a couple with tiny embroidery. $1 the lot. Sort of..
A few pretty china plates, mostly saucers, were too tempting. Some Cloclough and Royal Albert amongst others. And a lovely rose pitcher. Funny, it had been marked twice with two different prices, naturally the cheapest won out.
In the picture above you can see a cute little puppy. I'm not meaning to collect doggy china but it seems to be attaching itself to me. I'm sure I will end up finding new homes for them but meanwhile they make me smile.
Here it is again with the second one. Only $1 and .50c respectively. The second one I have been eyeing for a week or two now. I was put off by the paint fault line on the head, but it is pretty sweet.
I went shopping with my eldest DS and DD and Beccy liked this painting by a local artist. She is planning a white room with primary and bright colour accents. It was unpriced and another smaller oil in a pretty gilt frame cost me $4 so I was pretty pleased when he suggested $10. The vintage fringed bedspread will also go into the room.
I'm really not sure on the oil painting. I really have no idea when it comes to buying art. The picture is pretty enough, the oils are laid quite thickly, particularly in the centre. The frame is a beauty too. I spotted the tissue box holder and liked the aging patina of the cream plastic. And I rifled through a jar for some odd knitting needles to have a try at making some needle bracelets. Should be a bit of fun.
I picked up a pretty little English porcelain thingymabob with a screw off lid. I thought someone I know might like it. I don't usually pay that much for something like that but it seemed perfect. And a couple of pretty floral double sized cotton sheets were added to my collection.
This set of bookends is identical to a green set I already have. I wasn't going to get them as the glaze isn't the best, but then thought maybe I can "do" something with them ;). So back I went today to Second Chances to get them and managed to fill a basket, total cost, $7 including these.
I found another Christmas story book to add to our library. The Christmas book advent is a great idea. The cinderella board book has some great retro pics, nicely done. (There's another floral sheet there too, just $1)
When the attendant picked up the Beatrix Potter compendium she said that she would have to charge a good price for that one.I winced inside but I really shouldn't have. $1.50. (ROFLMAO) All the stories and beautiful illustrations.
The items above all came from 3 local stores, one being my favourite, Second Chances. I just can't recommend them highly enough. You just have to laugh. Once they have tallied up my main stuff and discounted various items in the process, they get to the little things and just say , oh you can have that. Here is what they gave me for nothing. And then punched not one, but two holes on my loyalty card to finish it off so I get $5 for nothing next time to spend!
A little creamer and sugar bowl. I have someone in mind for these.
Some old? Tupperware sundae? spoon/forks? in pretty pastels. (who knows what these are?)
And assortment of little critters for a girl obsessed with any thing little and "so cute". They'll probaby end up in a stocking.
A handful of pretty painted Christmas pinecones for the mantel.
A scarf which has lovely jade accents. Already on it's way to someone!
And speaking of little and cute, this is a tiny pair of vintage Jack and Jill figures. If you squint while walking past you won't even notice Jill's right hand is missing. I popped them on a saucer for a size reference.
And lastly, I spotted a Mickey Mouse knife in a box of cutlery so went diving for the set. I didn't realise that the fork and spoon probably did all belong together with the knife until I took the pic. They are such a different size and weight, but the pic is the same. Unfortunately I could only find 2 of what appears to be Scottish Terrier knives with their feedbowls. I thought they were very unusual. Any ideas on what they are? For chopping dog food? LOL!
If you have any thoughts on any of these items I'd love to hear them! And may your days be filled with wonderful Opportunities!